About Us

Welcome to Chill & Explore, a website where we share our passion for travel, hiking, and photography. We are Elliot and Sharmina, a husband and wife duo who love to explore the world and document our adventures.

We decided to start this website as a way to share our experiences and tips with other travellers and hikers who want to discover new places and challenge themselves.

What We Do

We write about our global travels, covering destinations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and beyond. We also write about our local travels, especially in Hong Kong, where we live. We try to visit new places, try new food, and experience different cultures as much as we can.

Towing the icebreaker sampo cruise ice floating
Elliot towing the Icebreaker Sampo Cruise in Finland

Elliot loves hiking and has completed hundreds of hikes in Hong Kong and Australia. He is always looking for new trails and scenic spots to explore. He takes high-quality photos and videos on all of his hikes and shares them on the website.

He also creates detailed guides along with instructions with arrows to show the optimal path. He rates each hike by taking into consideration the scenery, easiness, trail condition, safety, and popularity among locals. His goal is to make hiking more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. He tries and completes a hike every week (weather permitting).

Sharmina great ocean road
Sharmina at the Great Ocean Road in Australia

Sharmina’s hobbies include art, photography, and videos. She enjoys doing new things and learning new skills. She likes to capture the beauty and diversity of the places we visit and create artistic expressions of them.

She also enjoys finding travel hacks and making the most of our money. She does this by travelling on a medium budget, where we don’t sacrifice on new experiences but make adjustments when it comes to some over-the-top luxuries such as luxury stays and shopping.

Why We Do It

We believe that travel and hiking are not only fun and rewarding activities, but also ways to learn and grow as individuals and as a couple. We think that by exploring the world, we can also explore ourselves and discover new perspectives and possibilities. We hope that by sharing our stories and insights, we can inspire and help others to do the same.

We also believe that travel and hiking are ways to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty and diversity. We think that by respecting and protecting the environment, we can also contribute to a better and more sustainable future for ourselves and others. We hope that by showing the wonders and challenges of nature, we can encourage and educate others to do the same.

How You Can Support Us

Running a site takes a lot of time and resources, so any help we can get is much appreciated. If you appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into this site, you can support us by:

  • Following us on social media and engaging with our posts and stories.
  • Leaving us comments and feedback on our website and blog post.
  • Sharing our website and content with your friends and family.
  • Contact us with any questions, suggestions, or collaboration.
  • Using our affiliate links when booking hotels and activities, at no additional cost to you!

    We are also open to working with brands and organizations that share our values and vision. If you are interested in partnering with us, please send us a message with your proposal and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you enjoy our content. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on our next adventure!

    Elliot & Sharmina